Sunday 27 April 2014

Spiral Pathway was planted today on The Mound

The weather was showery, with a strong breeze, but at last we have been able to plant the 100 native trees and shrubs which were given to Winkleigh Biodiversity Group by Western Power.

We have planted them, well-spaced out, in a spiral walkway which follows the contours of the mound behind the Sports Centre.

Five volunteers - Andrew, Sue, Philippa, Sheila and Kim (supplemented also for a while by Peter) planted up all the trees, with bamboo stakes and tree-guards.  We now have a spiralling hedgerow which includes whitebeam, rowan, holly, dog rose, cherry, dogwood, hazel, crab apple and field maple.

We are now hoping for Spring showers to water them in, otherwise we will have to do so.

Saturday 26 April 2014

At last we can plant the spiral pathway!

This week has seen developments.  On Wednesday a new fence was erected around the conservation area - thanks to Andrew and Roger for arranging the purchase of materials and putting it up. Funding for the fence has been given by a local charity and our District Councillor, David Lausen. Roger also cut the grass again ready for the tree-planting.  Today Kenton and I marked out the spiral maze with 60 bamboo canes - ready for volunteers to gather tomorrow to plant 100 native trees and shrubs, including whitebeam, rowan, hazel and holly.  The weather forecast is windy and showery, so I hope we do not get too cold and wet.

The new fence

The gateway to The Mound Conservation Area

Saturday 5 April 2014

Spring is here - birds are nesting

The warmer weather has arrived and the shoots are appearing on the trees we planted in Winter 2012.  All the silver birches and rowan have green leaves, and a few wild cherries on The Mound have survived the company of sheep.

We are hoping that a fence will soon enclose the area and keep it safe so that we can go ahead and plant a spiral maze on The Mound.

This morning I spotted a pair of goldfinches collecting wool which had caught on brambles to line their nest.  I did not have my camera with me, so here is a photo of these colourful birds which feed on seeds such as thistle.

Goldfinches by ImogenX